Preparing Your Pet for Winter Emergencies

I hate to be the one to say it, but winter is coming. And with winter comes the cold, the wet and the dark. While few of us like to think about winter until it actually arrives, the reality is that it often makes sense to plan ahead. In such a way, not only will […]

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New Law on Microchipping From 2016

As you may be aware, new legislation is coming into force soon that covers the microchipping of dogs in the UK. This month we decided to take a closer look at the forthcoming change to the law, and answer some common questions we’ve been asked, in order to help you stay within the law*. The […]

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How to Export Your Pet from the UK to the USA

Among expats and travellers alike, America represents one of the most popular destinations of all for Brits heading abroad. It’s hardly surprising; both a shared language and culture make integration simple while the standards of living are understandably very high. A large country like the USA also means such a diversity of States, climates and […]

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The Expat Guide to Taking Your Pets to the UAE

The United Arab Emirates represents one of the most popular expat destinations in the world. Indeed, statistics suggest that expats now outnumber local Emiratis by 9 to 1. The vast majority of the expat population resides in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, where most large employers are to be found. However, taking pets to UAE is […]

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Feeding Pet Snakes: How to Get Started

Reptiles have grown massively in popularity in recent years. It seems more and more people every week are discovering the benefits of keeping snakes and lizards as pets. Whether it’s the relatively small cages required by many species, the lighter workload when compared to keeping “standard” pets like cats or a dogs, or the lack […]

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Guinea Pig Cages: The Beginners Guide

Guinea pigs are one of the most endearing small pets. They seldom bite, they rarely get ill and they are both clean and quiet. Indeed, normally the only sound you will hear from your pet is a wonderful “churring” or squeaking when he or she realizes that food is on its way. However, despite the […]

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Easy To Keep Lizards (Perfect for Beginners)

While reptiles have been gaining in popularity as pets over the last few decades, it is lizards that seem to have come the furthest. There are a number of possible reasons for this. Firstly, lizards tend to be the least “alien-looking” of all the reptiles. They have legs (unlike snakes). They have eyelids (also, unlike […]

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4 Reasons to Hire a Pet Travel Agent

More and more people are choosing to take their pet abroad each year, either temporarily for a family holiday or for a more permanent move. Whatever the reason for wanting to transport your pet overseas, the question is whether to do all the transportation yourself or whether to make use of a pet transport expert. […]

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6 Questions to Ask Your Pet Shipping Company

Choosing a pet transportation company is not easy. There are an increasing number of companies now claiming to offer a fully-featured pet transportation service. With such a broad range of travel companies, each offering a range of services at a variety of prices, it can be difficult to decide who to entrust your pet to. […]

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The Surprising Statistics of Pet Travel

Here at PBS Pet Travel we’ve never been busier, which set us thinking; what are the worldwide statistics regarding pet travel? For example, how many pets travel regularly, what modes of transport are used, and where do they go? Drawing from a range of surveys and official statistics we believe we now have enough information […]

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