Why Don’t More Airlines Allow Pets in the Cabin?

When taking your pet abroad you want them to be by your side every step of the way, including on the flight. But even though some airlines do allow pets in the cabin, as long as they adhere to the policies, there are still many airlines that don’t allow pets within the cabin of the […]

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Can Brachycephalic Dogs Fly

If you’re off on your travels or moving abroad then taking your dog with you is essential. These days travelling with your dog is pretty straight forward with pet couriers and pet transport services readily available. When travelling with a brachycephalic dog there are a few extra considerations to think about before you travel to […]

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Pet Friendly Cities to Visit Around the World

If you’re a proud pet parent and planning on visiting a new city, it’s important that you pick a destination which is pet-friendly so that both you and your furry friend can enjoy the trip. There are various factors that make a city pet-friendly, things such as pet-friendly public transport, pet-friendly eating establishments and sufficient parks […]

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Relocate to These Countries to Avoid Dog Quarantine

For most UK pet owners, the word ‘dog quarantine’ is met with much fear and dread. After all, not only do you not want to be without your beloved pet, you won’t even be able to explain to them why you have to leave them for such a long time. However, do remember that dogs […]

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A Guide to Feline Urinary Tract Infections

Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD) is quite a common complaint for cats to experience at some point in their lives. In general, middle-aged and older cats are more susceptible but this largely depends on the overall health of the cat. Cat UTI’s can occur for many different reasons and present with a range of […]

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What to Do if Your Cat Won’t Eat

Cats are renowned for being fussy eaters and it’s actually incredibly common for cats to refuse to eat what they’ve been given occasionally. With new cats in particular, it can take some time to find a cat food they are happy to eat. Every cat is different, with some preferring wet food, some preferring dry […]

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Should I Relocate with My Pet?

When planning to relocate abroad, the impact it might have on our beloved pets is often a concern. With so many factors to consider, you may be finding it difficult to decide what is in the best interests of your pet. Whilst it does add another level and dimension to the planning process, each year […]

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How to Adopt a Stray Cat or Dog on Holiday

For animal lovers, holidays can bring new insights and in many cases sadness when we witness a culture very different from our own. With so many countries where stray cats and dogs roam the streets in great numbers and survive of scraps and handouts, it’s hard to sit back and not take action. In many […]

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What to Do If Your Cat Has Fleas

Sadly, pesky fleas come with the territory of cat ownership as they’re extremely common. It’s unpleasant for both you and your feline friend and left untreated can cause your cat to develop related skin problems. Preventative measures are always the best option but in some cases, even this isn’t enough to keep them at bay. […]

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6 Ways to Stop Your Cat from Killing Small Critters

Cats are adorable, they’re cute and cuddly and in general are relatively low maintenance pets.  Yet there is a dark side to kitty ownership which becomes most apparent when they reach adulthood and those instinctual behaviours begin to be tested in the real world! Yes, let’s call a spade a spade, you have indeed brought […]

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What Does It Mean When Rabbits Thump?

Bunny rabbits make adorable pets. Not only are they cute and fluffy, they also come with their own unique personalities traits making them a wonderful choice of pet for children and adults alike. Just like most other companion animals, rabbits communicate through their behaviours and actions. They may grunt, circle, lick, nip, mount and of […]

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