Our feline friends are quite often a bundle of energy. They provide us with fun, laughter and the occasional scare when they bring in a mouse or bird from some of their outside activities. Sometimes though, the action-packed pet loses a little of its character. It may appear less active, it may sleep a lot […]
Read More… from How to Help a Stressed Cat
If your feline friend is due to come on holiday with you or be part of your relocation plans, there are a few things that you need to do to help get your cat overseas with you. Whilst in the past, you could obtain an EU pet passport, things have changed a little since Brexit. […]
Read More… from Cat Passport: Everything You Need to Know
Cats, by their nature, are curious creatures, always looking to explore, hunt and play. They can vanish for days at a time, often leaving their owners worrying. 9 times out of 10 though, the feisty feline returns ready to terrorise you and your home again. We wouldn’t have them any other way though! Except for […]
Read More… from Cat Walking: How to Give Your Feline Friend a Safe Outdoor Experience
Choosing a pet can be a difficult decision, especially if you and your family are split on what you would all like to care for. Some enjoy “mans best friend” and would love a dog for company and cuddles. Others prefer the feisty felines and would prefer something with nine lives (urban myth apparently!) that […]
Read More… from Is it Cheaper to Own a Cat or a Dog?
For some, the cat is a bit of a marmite pet. You either love them or hate them. Funny little characters one moment, awkward pests the next. Wandering the streets, filling your bed or hiding in the most bizarre space in the house. Cats certainly provide us with entertainment and a little frustration at the […]
Read More… from The 5 Most Popular Cat Breeds in the UK
Going abroad is great but sometimes nothing beats a UK staycation especially when you’re heading to England’s rugged southern tip, Cornwall. When the weather is at its best, Cornwall’s coast can resemble that of the Mediterranean. One of the best things about a staycation is that it’s a lot easier to take your furry friend […]
Read More… from Dog-Friendly Airbnb’s in Cornwall for Your UK Staycation
Can’t thank PBS enough for getting my 4 Persian cats to my new home in Barbados! The service was outstanding, especially when unexpected things went wrong with Dudley when his health declined due to separation anxiety and, unknown to anyone, his microchip had fallen out, and therefore ended up having to be rescued by friends […]
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Not going to work or being able to go out and see friends and family might be challenging for a lot of us but there are some that couldn’t be happier we have to stay at home and that’s our pets. Furry fellows everywhere are loving lockdown life because with us at home all day […]
Read More… from Funny Celebrity Pets Enjoying Their Isolation Vacations
If you’re considering moving abroad with your family and pets, you’ll want to ensure that you choose the perfect destination and there are many extra considerations you’ll have to take into account. If you have lots of pets, you’ll need to consider vet accessibility and prices, apartment/house and garden sizes plus import and export regulations. […]
Read More… from Best Destinations in Central America for Families Relocating with Pets