Lizard Guide: Bearded Dragon Shedding Process

Shedding is a natural process in all reptiles. The process is also referred to as moulting, peeling, or sloughing, and is when your bearded dragon casts off its old skin. After your beardie sheds, the skin underneath is brand new and you’ll notice the colours are more vivid in the first few days, even more […]

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Easy To Keep Lizards (Perfect for Beginners)

While reptiles have been gaining in popularity as pets over the last few decades, it is lizards that seem to have come the furthest. There are a number of possible reasons for this. Firstly, lizards tend to be the least “alien-looking” of all the reptiles. They have legs (unlike snakes). They have eyelids (also, unlike […]

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Heating Pet Snakes & Lizards During Transportation

Transporting reptiles like pet lizards and snakes represent additional difficulties to those experienced when trying to ship cats and dogs. The reason is that reptiles are of course cold-blooded, which means they require some external source of heat. In nature, of course, this warmth is provided directly by the sun, or indirectly from rocks, fallen […]

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What’s the Most Popular Pet in the UK?

It’s estimated that 3.2 million households added a pet to their family during the pandemic, meaning that over 17 million households in the UK now own a pet. Research by the PFMA found the most popular pet in the UK. Below, we analyse the top ten pets favoured by UK households. 1st Dogs There are […]

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Moving Abroad with Exotic Pets

Moving abroad alone is stressful but add in relocating your pet as well and this can produce many more challenges. However, leaving your beloved pet behind isn’t an option. When considering moving abroad with your exotic pet it’s advised to plan ahead because there are many preparations needed that you must start months in advance. […]

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Everything You Need to Know About Pet Therapy

If you’ve ever experienced a special bond with an animal, that deep connection which makes you feel relaxed and peaceful, then it won’t surprise you to know that this type of connection with a pet is not unique to you. That feeling you get when you watch a video of cute kitten antics or adorable […]

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Do Giant Centipedes Make Great Pets?

Giant Centipedes are generally found in tropical climates around the world, with the largest centipede species, originating in the Amazon rainforest regions of South America.  However, smaller species can be found on most continents, including Europe. Smaller species of centipede can also be found in the UK. Popular amongst experienced exotic pet enthusiasts, these fascinating […]

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Beginners Guide to Keeping Leopard Geckos

Leopard Geckos are a very popular first reptile. These small crepuscular (active at dawn and dusk) lizards are native to India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, where the environment is dry and rocky. Unlike other gecko species, Leopard Geckos don’t have sticky toepads on their feet to climb walls. These cute little creatures are relatively easy to […]

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5 of the Best Chameleons to Keep as Pets

The world is home to approximately 180 different types of chameleons. Varying in colour, size and appearance, some make better pets than others. Furthermore, there are only a small percentage of breeds bred in captivity, whereas the remained can only be found in the wild. Different pet breeds of chameleon can vary drastically in temperament […]

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The 10 Best Pets for Allergy Sufferers

Particularly for children, the concept of not having a pet because you are allergic is unfathomable. When your friends are gloating about their new puppies and kittens, you are left staring longingly at the latest Andrex advert. However, armed with some medication and a bit of knowledge, allergies do not have to mean a pet […]

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Stick Insects for Kids

  Stick insects can represent an ideal first pet for children, on account of their ease of care. Just a few benefits of stick insects for kids include: Stick insects are short-lived meaning that you won’t be left cleaning and feeding them for decades to come if your children get bored Stick insects are generally […]

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