Search Results for: europe
A Guide to the Best Dog-Friendly Beaches in Europe
When you’re a dedicated pet parent leaving your pooch at home whilst you swan off on holiday is just not an option. Holidays are just as fun and exciting for them as they are for you, especially when it means they can run along the beach with the wind in their fur. The good news […]
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What You Need To Know About Pet Transport to Europe
So you’ve decided that you want to take your pet to Europe but you don’t know where to start? Don’t worry – we’ve got you covered. This article will talk you through the process of pet travel to Europe so you know exactly how you can take your pet abroad with you. Types of Pet […]
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New Bookings
New Bookings Pet travel is a very intricate process and, we need to ensure each member of staff has the right amount of time to dedicate to each booking. Due to high demand this year, we can currently only take on new bookings to the USA, Canada Dubai and Europe – subject to our and […]
Cat Passport: Everything You Need to Know
If your feline friend is due to come on holiday with you or be part of your relocation plans, there are a few things that you need to do to help get your cat overseas with you. Whilst in the past, you could obtain an EU pet passport, things have changed a little since Brexit. […]
Dog Passports: Everything You Need to Know
Are you looking to take your canine companion overseas anytime soon? If the answer is yes, you may want to read the below! Dogs, just like humans, need a passport to travel from country to country and whilst their application process is a little different to ours, the result is much the same. Before we […]
How many Dogs Are There in the UK?
They often say a dog is a man’s best friend and there must be a degree of truth to it as according to stats published earlier this year there are estimated to be 13 million pet dogs in the UK. This figure makes them the most popular pet in the country with their feline adversaries […]
Keeping Pet Rabbits Warm in Winter: Your Complete Guide
As we approach the colder time of year, you are no doubt making adjustments in your home. Extra layers of clothing, turning the heating up a little and switching to the thicker duvet for a start. What about your furry friends though? Unfortunately, your pet can’t do any of those things, so it comes down […]
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Pet Sitting: Should They Stay Home or Come with You?
Pets are part of the family, and bring you lots of entertainment, love, and affection. When it comes to going on holiday though, are they able to come with you? Or do you investigate hiring a pet sitter? For some, being apart from their pets for a substantial amount of time is too much to […]
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The 5 Most Popular Cat Breeds in the UK
For some, the cat is a bit of a marmite pet. You either love them or hate them. Funny little characters one moment, awkward pests the next. Wandering the streets, filling your bed or hiding in the most bizarre space in the house. Cats certainly provide us with entertainment and a little frustration at the […]
Which plants are poisonous for pets?
We all like to take pets out for a walk or let them play in the garden. For those we can’t enjoy such R&R with, we adorn their enclosures with bright floral or wooden decoration to make it more exciting for the animal and ourselves. How though, do we know which plants and flowers are […]