Everything You Need to Know About Pet Therapy

If you’ve ever experienced a special bond with an animal, that deep connection which makes you feel relaxed and peaceful, then it won’t surprise you to know that this type of connection with a pet is not unique to you. That feeling you get when you watch a video of cute kitten antics or adorable […]

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Do Rats Really Smell or is it Down to Owners?

Despite the reputation of their wild relatives, fancy rats make incredible pets for adults and children alike. They’re highly intelligent animals and have characterful personalities which are both adorably affectionate and entertaining. Companion rats are best kept in same sex pairs or groups and can live up to three years. They are sociable and easily […]

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What Does It Mean When Rabbits Thump?

Bunny rabbits make adorable pets. Not only are they cute and fluffy, they also come with their own unique personalities traits making them a wonderful choice of pet for children and adults alike. Just like most other companion animals, rabbits communicate through their behaviours and actions. They may grunt, circle, lick, nip, mount and of […]

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Do Giant Centipedes Make Great Pets?

Giant Centipedes are generally found in tropical climates around the world, with the largest centipede species, originating in the Amazon rainforest regions of South America.  However, smaller species can be found on most continents, including Europe. Smaller species of centipede can also be found in the UK. Popular amongst experienced exotic pet enthusiasts, these fascinating […]

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What is the Difference Between a Ferret and a Polecat?

History and Origins Both ferrets and polecats belong to the weasel family. The European polecat can be found living in the wild in western Eurasia and north Morocco and now many are bred in captivity as a domesticated polecat. It is the sole ancestor of the domesticated ferret. They are thought to have been first […]

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What to Do If You Find a Stray Cat

Each day in the UK, animal charities receive a staggering 30,000 calls reporting stray cats. Cat’s go missing for many reasons. In general cats naturally roam the areas surrounding their home and are unlikely to get lost if they have lived in the area for a number of years. However, one of the riskiest times […]

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The Most Common Chinchilla Diseases and How to Spot Them

Wild chinchillas are quite resilient animals. This is most likely due to their changeable natural habit in the Andes mountains, where they are exposed to extreme climate conditions. Under such a harsh environment the species evolved to be extremely hardy in order to survive. However, after many years of domestication and breeding, the pet chinchillas […]

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Why Do Dogs Licks the Air

Let’s be honest, as a dog owner it’s likely you have witnessed your fair share of quirky dog behaviours, some of which can be amusing, adorable and in some cases disgusting or indeed concerning. However, it can be quite puzzling and perhaps even slightly alarming when you first notice your dog randomly licking the air, […]

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What to Do if Your Cat Goes Missing

When your beloved cat goes missing, it is naturally a very anxious time for all your family, as you ask yourself ‘will my cat come back?’ The not knowing is extremely unsettling and it can be easy to panic and think the worst. However, the best thing you can do initially is to breath, remain […]

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Top Rabbit Breeds for Kids

Rabbits are a popular first pet for children, as they are friendly, characterful and can teach your child valuable lessons in terms of responsibility. That said, they do require daily care and as a parent, you will need to take most of the responsibility for ensuring the animal is cared for sufficiently. There is a […]

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6 Reasons to Vaccinate Your Pet

Just like with us humans, our pets can be susceptible to certain diseases, which in many cases, can be life-threatening, to both you and your pet. Which diseases your pet can be vaccinated against, depends on which country you reside in or indeed are travelling to. In the UK, many of the diseases are potentially […]

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