The 9 Best Invertebrates for Children

Any pet can help teach children respect and responsibility for animals, but as a lot of invertebrates do not require handling, this can be a fantastic opportunity for children to really get to grips with the complexities of being a pet owner. It is always best to have Mum and Dad on hand, but allowing […]

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Good Pets for Flats

What happens if you live in a flat, yet love animals? Certainly it’s likely that keeping a dog or cat in a flat (especially if it’s rented) will be out of the question. But that doesn’t mean to say that you can’t keep any kind of pet. Infact, as it turns out there are all […]

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Keeping Praying Mantis as Pets: The Beginners Guide

Praying mantis are growing in popularity as pets, as more pet shops begin to stock them, and more pet owners begin to discover their benefits. The Benefits of Keeping Praying Mantis as Pets Firstly, praying mantis are absolutely fascinating to watch. While they may lie motionless for hours on end, this is all part of […]

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