Unusual Pet Laws From Across the Globe

A pet is more than just a pet, a pet is part of the family and so when you travel or move abroad it’s only natural that you want to take them with you. However, aside from the usual pet laws about animal welfare some countries, even the UK, have some rather bizarre pet laws […]

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Where in the world would your dog be most welcome?

We understand that your furry friend is your pride and joy and when going off on your travels you don’t want to leave them behind, you want them alongside you seeing the world. However, it’s not always easy to travel with your dog as there can be a lot of restrictions, which vary from country […]

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A Guide to Feline Urinary Tract Infections

Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD) is quite a common complaint for cats to experience at some point in their lives. In general, middle-aged and older cats are more susceptible but this largely depends on the overall health of the cat. Cat UTI’s can occur for many different reasons and present with a range of […]

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How to Teach Your Puppy to Sleep Through the Night

It’s not uncommon for new puppy owners to liken the first few months of puppy ownership to that of caring for a newborn baby. Whilst, granted there are many differences between babies and puppies, there too are some similarities – establishing a routine being a fundamental one. Puppy bedtimes can prove quite the challenge to […]

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Do Rats Really Smell or is it Down to Owners?

Despite the reputation of their wild relatives, fancy rats make incredible pets for adults and children alike. They’re highly intelligent animals and have characterful personalities which are both adorably affectionate and entertaining. Companion rats are best kept in same sex pairs or groups and can live up to three years. They are sociable and easily […]

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How to Safely Introduce Your Dog to Your New Baby

When expecting a new baby there are many things you need to plan for and consider and this includes how it will impact your existing family members whether that be your other children or your pets. Dogs, in particular, can be sensitive to changing environments, smells and sounds and there will be lots of these […]

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Why Your Dog Loves to Roll in Fox Poo

As a dog owner, having your dog roll in fox poo and other animal faeces can be quite an unpleasant and stinky experience! You may find yourself avoiding certain locations where you know your dog is more likely to find some, which can be quite restricting if you don’t have many suitable places for dog […]

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How Can I Improve My Dog’s Recall?

Problems with consistent dog recall is one of the most common training needs for dog owners. It is more common in certain breeds, but any dog can have difficulty with a consistent recall, especially if it not trained to do so from an early age. You’ll likely have found that in certain situations your dog […]

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Why Does My Dog Pee on the Bed?

No matter how much we love our canine companions, we cannot pretend that there aren’t some behaviours that irk us. We can take the shredding of the newspaper. We can take hiding the slipper in the garden. But we really must draw the line at peeing on the bed. This isn’t a behaviour of unknowing […]

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6 Unique Animals You Can Keep as Pets

One of the real pleasures of keeping an exotic pet is knowing you can care for something that not many other pet owners have the opportunity to do. Having an exotic pet is a privilege and, for those who aren’t hamster or puppy people, there is a unique selection of animals to suit the quirkiest […]

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