The Best Pet Frogs for Beginners

Frogs can make great first pets. However, don’t be fooled, they need just as much care and attention as the popular dog or cat. There are countless captive frogs that make ideal pets but it is best to pick a hardier and more common breed whilst you get to grips with frog husbandry. Whatever you […]

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The Beginners Guide to Keeping Tree Frogs as Pets

Tree frogs have an enviable reputation; even people that turn white just thinking about keeping pet tarantulas or snakes seem to fall in love with tree frogs. Something about their big round eyes, bulbous toes for climbing and rounded little bodies seems to endear them to people of all ages. If you’re considering keeping tree […]

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Essential Care for Oriental Fire Bellied Toads

An oriental fire bellied toad is a great choice of pet for inexperienced exotic pet owners. This is because they are relatively hardy animals which are easy care for. Due to their small size (approx. 5 cm), these visual striking amphibians take up little space and are an extremely intriguing pet to keep. Origin of […]

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Do Giant Centipedes Make Great Pets?

Giant Centipedes are generally found in tropical climates around the world, with the largest centipede species, originating in the Amazon rainforest regions of South America.  However, smaller species can be found on most continents, including Europe. Smaller species of centipede can also be found in the UK. Popular amongst experienced exotic pet enthusiasts, these fascinating […]

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What is the Difference Between a Ferret and a Polecat?

History and Origins Both ferrets and polecats belong to the weasel family. The European polecat can be found living in the wild in western Eurasia and north Morocco and now many are bred in captivity as a domesticated polecat. It is the sole ancestor of the domesticated ferret. They are thought to have been first […]

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Why Worming Your Pet is So Important

Pet’s like cats and dogs are particularly susceptible to certain types of parasites if they regularly go outside (and in some cases even when they stay in!), where they are exposed to sources of them. Parasitic worms can have potentially serious effects on your pet’s health, particularly young animals like puppies and kittens if preventative […]

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Tree Frog Vivariums: A Beginners Guide

Over the last few decades reptiles and amphibians have become ever more popular pets. There are a number of reasons for this surge in interest, not least that keeping tree frogs and other exotic pets can provide you with a “window into nature” within your home. Indeed, for those pet owners who appreciate the natural […]

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